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22 septembre, 2014
A conversation with Adam Blackwell, Multidimensional Security Secretary of the Organization of American States

Interpeace met up with Secretary Adam Blackwell, who addresses new security threats in Central America with a more holistic approach.

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22 septembre, 2014
The failure of societies to respond to the needs and aspirations of young people

Director-General of Interpeace, Scott M. Weber, analyzes the efforts that have been undertaken to reduce youth violence in Central America.

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22 septembre, 2014
Notes on the army, security and peacebuilding in Central America

In the opening article of the second edition of the 20th Anniversary Journal, Francisco Jiménez Irungaray examines the role of the army in Guatemala, and Central America in general, and its relationship with the people.

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22 septembre, 2014
20th Anniversary Journal No. 2

No.2/April-June 2014 This is the second edition of Interpeace's Anniversary Journal produced and published by Interpeace's Latin America Office. It features an interview with Adam Blackwell and reflections on Interpeace's experience in Central America and our work with youth in the region.

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1 septembre, 2014
Voices from Tensta

This report summarizes the key findings from a pilot project in Tensta, a suburb of Stockholm. A district-wide consultation process identified the main challenges and sources of tensions that stand in the way of social cohesion in Tensta. It captures the energy, enthusiasm, stories and current challenges as seen by the residents of Tensta today.

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24 juillet, 2014
On the way to a new championship

Isabel Aguilar Umaña, examines the impact of sport clubs (groups of young people who are fans of a particular sports team) on Honduran society. She first provides a thorough overview of the daily challenges faced by Honduran youth, who feel marginalized in a socio-economic environment with few opportunities. Umaña then shows how Interpeace has played […]

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